If you have been arrested or are under investigation for a criminal offense in California or throughout the United States, it is critical you make every effort to obtain an experienced and knowledgeable criminal defense attorney to assist you. When searching for a criminal defense attorney, you should properly evaluate their reputation, background and experience. We at the Law Offices of James E. Blatt are committed to providing creative and zealous representations, with only our clients’ best interests in mind, and promise to make every effort to obtain the best result possible.
Our attorneys have handled almost every type of criminal prosecution, from simple misdemeanors to complex international prosecutions, and have represented thousands of individuals from all walks of life. We successfully represent clients in trial and on appeal, in state and federal court. We proudly receive referrals from the police officers and prosecutors with whom we work, as well as from the judges before whom we appear.
The attorneys at the Law Offices of James E. Blatt have extensive knowledge of the legal system and can begin building a strategy for your defense immediately. We highly encourage you to contact us to schedule a free consultation of your case. A Hollywood criminal defense attorney at our firm can speak with you regarding the charges you face, review the police report, answer any questions you may have and let you know what the next step should be to help ensure a win for your case.